Lots of bad weather lately. Tornados, severe thunderstorms, rain, lots of rain...
With the weather as unpredictable as it is lately, now would be a good time to run a drill on your weather emergency plans. A lot of the really bad stuff we`ve been seeing has been showing up late at night, just had a real heavy hitter roll through here about an hour ago.
So how are you and your prepared for Mother Nature at her worst?
Do you have a safe room in the house? Someplace without windows, centrally located?
Does everybody have a light handy? The electricity might not be there when you need it.
Do you have a radio (weather radio) in your safe room? Are the batteries fresh?
Does everybody know what to do if things get crazy? Practice, lots of practice on this one is the only way to be sure.
What if your not at home? Does your workplace have a disaster plan?
Do they have a storm shelter designated in the facility? How easy is it to get to from where you are in the building?
Do they have a response team on-site or will you depend on outside resources? Who will handle any first aid or worse?
For more info, check out the NOAA`s page on storm readiness. If your workplace doesn`t have a plan already, this would be a good place to start.