Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The American Preppers Network is conducting a Network-Wide Roll Call....

These Network-Wide Roll calls only happen a few times a year and serve a few purposes. They remind people that haven't been to the forum in awhile to come back and check us out and see what's new, plus they also serve as a membership drive. But it's much more than that. They help you, our members, to better network with each other. Members who haven't been back in awhile can reconnect with members that are still active. New members can network with more experienced members, and members who've been trying to start meetup groups and get-togethers have a better opportunity to connect with each other. But most of all, there is a huge brainstorm of tips, ideas and information that we all share with each other.

Please respond to this post and let us know what you've been doing to prepare lately. Share any tips, ideas or educational information that you might have for others. The information you share is especially helpful to new members who are checking in.

In addition to responding to this post, please also respond to your states group as well and check to see if there are any new meetup plans.

To respond to your states roll call, follow this link to the state directory:

Then click the "Check In Here" link for your state and respond to the most recent Roll Call.

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