OK, my first actual book reveiw.
I posted about this book earlier, but this was previous to my reading it. Now that I`m done (had to go back through it again!) here`s my thought`s....
From bee stings to biological terrorism, dog bite to dirty bombs, there`s something to cover it here. Very well laid out, Bill and Janet lead you through how to develop an emergency plan, listing out items in a very logical and straightforward manner. Developing emergency plans, creating a kit, supplies to stock, how to personalize it to meet your needs, its all there. There are even sections dealing with special needs, inculding the elderly, disabled, and even pets!
What to do before a disaster strikes, how to mitgate your losses. This is it`s own section, very thorough and to the point. They explain the who what where when and why`s of mitigation, making it easy for the reader to follow. This leads into specific sections on how to deal with whatever comes your way, be it fire. flood, or a whole other host of issues.
From there the reader is given specific instruction on how to work within each type of event. What to do beforehand, how to deal with the situation during, then how to recover once it`s over. Each section is item specific to the type of event you would be dealing with, so no fear of any over generalization here!
First aid. This is a section near and dear to my heart, being in the emergency response field for over 8 years now...all I can say is WOW! This part reads like a training manual given to new responders during their initial training classes. ABC`s, CPR, and a whole host of other topics are covered. Things to watch for, what to do, the procedure listed will guide you in the right direction, and impress the squad when they arrive! By following the instructions given, and you could save a life, I have no doubt about this. Much of the info listed in here is straight out of training manuals, I feel I could teach my squad refresher classes with this book!
A simple, straightforward, easy to follow format. Every family needs to have a copy of this book, to use as a guideline on how to be ready when disaster strikes.
I give this one 5 stars! I keep my copy in my EDC bag, it goes everywhere I go!
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